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The greeting of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing to the International Tribunal on Evictions

Leilani Farha, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, underlines the relevance and legal obligations of states to comply with art. 11 ICESCR. A greeting and an explicit acknowledgment and support to the International Tribunal on Evictions, whose 6th Session, dedicated to t...
Auteur (s) de l'oeuvre CDH Guayaquil

Tribunal Internacional de Desalojos en Monte Sinaí (Ecuador)

Incidente protagonizado por Comisario que ordenó desalojo de sesión de Misión del Tribunal Internacional de Desalojo en Monte Sinaí por no tener autorización para realizar registro de testimonios de afectados por desalojo en 2013.
Auteur (s) de l'oeuvre Gabriele Francescotto

Video: international Tribunal on Evictions (Geneva 2012)

Veneerable Sovath Luon human right defender from Cambodia join meeting tribunal to stop force eviction and human rights violation at Swiss Geneva organize by Amnasty International NGO on 28.09.2012
Auteur (s) de l'oeuvre Gabriele Francescotto

La marcia degli Abitanti

foruMMedia HABITAT, Marcia del 2011 (Fonte: